The Haliburton Highlands Family Health Team has over 5 years of experience helping patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. Please contact us if you are a rostered patient with our clinic and would like further information about one on one and group education options.
The video links posted may provide information that may be of assistance to you in managing your health issues. However, we do recommend you consider seeing your primary care practitioner and having baseline lab work before you make any significant lifestyle changes.
Educational Videos
Dr Jason Fung is a world renowned expert in fasting and is able to share in a very clear, logical manner the ” how to” and the “why” of fasting.
Dr. Jason Fung is a master of explaining in simple, easy to understand terms where our diets have gone wrong and contributed to the epidemic of obesity and diabetes. He follows this with clear guidelines on how to get back on track. This is a recording of a live event and the presentation starts about 4 minutes into the video.
This short video by Brian Sanders explains the important role meat has played in healthy human diets for millennia and how it remains a healthy option for us today. He also has a pod cast ” Peak Human” where he interviews a variety of experts on optimal human health.
Dr. Scher who is well known for his work on the Diet Doctor web site is now chief medial officer for Metabolic Minds. This talk discusses the important link between a healthy nutrient rich diet and improved mental health. Even if you don’t suffer from mental illness the information in truly outstanding.
In this video doctor Paul Mason, from Australia, discusses metabolic syndrome in more detail. It is a very useful video for those who would like to know a little bit more about the science behind insulin and how it affects our body.
Dr. Jason Fung, with all his wisdom and experience, reminds us that all carbs are not the same and we need to limit the unhealthy ones.
Dr. Fung explains how fructose , which is not measured when we check blood sugars, contributes to developing metabolic syndrome and type2 diabetes.
Dr. Knobbe discusses the significant health risks of processed seed oils and our changing health over the last 100 years when these products were first developed.
Dr. Annette Bosworth, MD – Annette Bosworth, M.D., (Dr. Boz), helps reverse medical problems through healthy Keto living. As an Internal Medicine physician, she educates the audience how to optimize their brain health.
Dr. James Muecke discusses the devastating effects of diabetes and how to deal with the crisis
Dr Mason discusses how our dietary guidelines were built on a “house of cards” and how it is now resulting in increases in obesity and diabetes world wide.