We are a group of 8 physicians practicing family medicine in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands and Minden area. We are also affiliated, and work collaboratively, with the Haliburton Highlands Family Health Team. We currently have a roster of 9,770 patients.
Some of our physicians are part of the staff of our local emergency department. We provide regular care of hospital in-patients, provide hospital on-call coverage, offer care to patients in LTC facilities (including on-call), and care to patients in hospices or a palliative care unit.
We are looking for a physician or physicians who would be interested in working with a collaborative team of health care professionals. We are a teaching site and have a full rotation of residents from the University of Toronto, Queen’s, McMaster and other. Compensation is based on a blended capitation model as a physician belonging to a Family Health Organization. More information is available on the MOHLTC website at, and specifically relating to physician compensation at FM Compensation Practice Models EN-1
Haliburton County also offers a “return of service” incentive to physicians moving to the area to practice Family/ER medicine. You are eligible to apply for the incentive whether you are a new graduate or are just looking to relocate to the beautiful Haliburton Highlands. For more details contact Wendy Welch, Physician Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, or Kimberley Robinson, Executive Director of the Haliburton Highlands FHT and Manager for the Haliburton Family Medical Centre, at if you are interested in learning more!